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Insurance Blog

5 Common Reasons People Are Denied Life Insurance

5 Common Reasons People Are Denied Life Insurance

Life insurance offers financial security, covering expenses and providing for loved ones after one’s passing. However, not everyone is approved for life insurance. Common reasons for denial include pre-existing medical conditions, high-risk occupations, and hazardous hobbies. Additionally, a history of substance abuse or severe health issues can also lead to denial. Understanding these factors can help applicants address potential problems and improve their chances of...

Your Guide to Enjoying the Medicare Advantage Travel Benefit

Your Guide to Enjoying the Medicare Advantage Travel Benefit

On National Senior Citizens Day, let’s explore Medicare Advantage plans, which are increasingly popular for additional benefits like travel coverage. Some plans offer travel benefits, covering emergency care and medical services when away from home. Review plan details on coverage limits, out-of-pocket costs, and network providers to maximize this perk. Planning and understanding coverage can help seniors enjoy worry-free travel and fully take advantage of...

What to Expect if You Outlive Your Life Insurance Beneficiary

What to Expect if You Outlive Your Life Insurance Beneficiary

Life insurance provides financial support to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s death. If you outlive your beneficiary, the policy’s benefits won’t be distributed as initially planned. If you outlive your beneficiary, update your policy by naming a new beneficiary or adjusting the policy to reflect your current wishes. Regular reviews and updates to your life insurance are essential to maintain its relevance. Choosing Your Beneficiaries A...

Does Medicare cover immunizations?

Does Medicare cover immunizations?

August is National Immunization Awareness Month, highlighting the importance of vaccines in preventing illness. Medicare, an integral aspect of senior healthcare, covers a range of immunizations to protect older adults from diseases like flu, pneumonia, and shingles. These vaccinations are essential for maintaining health and reducing complications. Medicare Part B typically covers vaccines recommended by the CDC, ensuring seniors have access to preventive care that...

5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance if You Are Self-Employed

5 Reasons You Need Life Insurance if You Are Self-Employed

In the event of their death, life insurance provides financial security for their family and business obligations. Life insurance is invaluable for self-employed individuals, as they often lack the safety net of employer-provided benefits. It can cover debts, replace lost income, and fund business succession plans, ensuring continuity and stability for the enterprise. Life insurance offers peace of mind, enabling self-employed individuals to focus on growing...